4120510 Conductivity meter "CD-2005"
4120510 Conductivity meter
Measures conductivity and TDS.
Automatic or manual setting temperature compensa- tion with fixed coefficient of 2%.
Calibration with standards of conductivity and TDS.
RS-232 output to connect a printer or a computer.
Cell constant adjustment.
Temperature sensor connection Rt-2252.
Temperature measuring range: 0 to 60 degree.
SPECIFICATIONS Conductivity ranges: (Manual range change)
0 to 20.00 礢/cm
0 to 200.0 礢/cm
0 to 2000 礢/cm
0 to 10.00 mS/cm Precision: 1.5% base scale + 1 digit.
TDSranges: 0 to 1000 mg/L.
Part No. :4120510
Height / Width / Depth cm: 30 20 7.2
Weight Kg:0.5